- Assessing the patentability of inventions
- Drafting, filing and prosecuting Chinese, Hong Kong and PCT patents
- Patent search and monitoring
- Assistance on payment of renewal fees to maintain patent rights
- Consulting on registration and use of trademarks
- Filing and prosecuting Chinese, Hong Kong and Madrid system trademarks
- Protecting trademark rights via administrative and judicial channels
- Consulting and assisting on the trademark implications of business mergers, acquisitions and disposals
- Filing oppositions or applying for withdrawal of trademarks
- Negotiating for trademark disputes
- Patent infringement litigation and negotiation
- Criminal litigation and investigation
- Trademark inspection and early warning and infringement investigation
- Copyright Infringement Analysis and Determination
- Customs Registration of Intellectual Property
- Copyrights and computer software registrations
- Furnishing strategic consultation to clients who seek for effective development and use of intellectual property portfolio
- Consulting on issues, including trade secret, trade dress and anti-illegitimate competition.